
UPDATE REPORT BY: DIR. SALEHA P. SACAR READ| It was 21 days past since Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) started throughout Luzon and the rest of the Regions in Visayas and Mindanao. The outbreak caused by the Novel Corona Virus brought the entire country to Total Lockdown, suspending work in the office and implementing work from home for the government and private sector. Together, the National Government and private sector responded to address the contagion through Bayanihan, as the President of the Philippines, his Excellency President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed into law the “Bayanihan, we heal as one act,” granting him a Temporary Emergency Powers through a special session in the House of Representatives. The law aims to give the President additional authority to combat the COVID19 pandemic in the Philippines. Through this the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos through the Leadership of Secretary Saidamen Pangarungan and the Bureau of Muslim Economic A...

Halal Foods for the Frontliners

BMEA | Updates Report By: Dir. Saleha P. Sacar Manila | The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) is mandated to promote the general welfare of the muslim community under the leadership of Secretary Saidamen B. Pangarungan . The Commission being the lead agency in promoting Philippine Halal in domestic market under the Bureau of Muslim Economic Affairs (BMEA) extended help to our front liners who were muslim doctors and nurses in National Capital Region.  The Commission received a request message seeking for donors who can provide halal foods to the front liners in response to their dilemma that they're ration may not be Halal.  The  Bureau of Muslim Economic Affairs acted upon said request  pursuant  to its mandate under Republic Act 9997 (RA 9997) and funded the first three days of ration from March 26- 28, 2020.  The same Bureau coordinated with NCMF-NCR Division Chief Atty. Sansarona together with the volunteers for the...

Message from the Office of the Director

Assalamo Alaikom Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. This is Dir. Saleha P. Sacar, officially launching this blog site with intent to provide public information for all our Office projects and implementation pursuant to the Mandate of the Bureau of Muslim Economic Affairs (BMEA), National Commission on Muslim Filipinos pursuant to Republic Act No. 9997 (RA9997) under the leadership of Secretary Saidamen B. Pangarungan That this is to inform the Public that we reserve our right to any information and pictures released in this blog site. Wassalam Saleha Pangarungan Sacar Director IV